Ratgeber für FLIR Wärmebildkameras und Infrarotkameras

FLIR Artikelvergleich

FLIR Artikelvergleich

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FLIR ArtNr.FLIR ArtikelEANKategorie
CM46DIGITAL DC/AC CLAMP METER,TRMS,600V,400A0793950370469FLIR Clamp Meters
CM57-2Flexible Clamp Meter 18 inch0793950372579FLIR Clamp Meters
CM85-2True RMS Power Clamp (Wireless)0793950373859FLIR Clamp Meters
89401-0202FLIR C5 with Wi-Fi4743254004467FLIR Cx Series Compact Thermal Imagers
89401-0203Cx5 Hazardous Location-Rated IR Camera4743254006119FLIR Cx Series Compact Thermal Imagers
90501-0201FLIR C3-X (incl. Wi-Fi)4743254004764FLIR Cx Series Compact Thermal Imagers
DM93-2True RMS Industrial Multimeter with VFDFLIR Digital Multimeters
63950-1001FLIR ETS3204743254002913FLIR Electronic Test Bench Thermal Imager
EM54ENVIRONMENTAL METER0793950220542FLIR Environmental Meter
13301-0101FLIR E5 ProFLIR Ex Series Thermal Imagers with WiFi
13302-0201FLIR E6 ProFLIR Ex Series Thermal Imagers with WiFi
13303-0302FLIR E8 Pro4743254006478FLIR Ex Series Thermal Imagers with WiFi
63909-1004FLIR E5xt (incl. Wi-Fi)4743254004009FLIR Ex Series Thermal Imagers with WiFi
T199588IR lens f=29mm (14°) Exx T5xx T8xx4743254003101FLIR Exx Series Thermal Imager Lenses
T199589IR lens f=17mm (24°) Exx T5xx T8xx4743254003125FLIR Exx Series Thermal Imager Lenses
T199590IR lens f=10mm (42°) Exx T5xx T8xx4743254003118FLIR Exx Series Thermal Imager Lenses
T300805IR Lens, f=5mm (80°) with CaseFLIR Exx Series Thermal Imager Lenses
78511-1101FLIR E76 14°4743254004597FLIR Exx Series Thermal Imagers w/MSX and Wi-Fi
78511-1301FLIR E86 14 DEG4743254004665FLIR Exx Series Thermal Imagers w/MSX and Wi-Fi
78512-1101FLIR E76 24°4743254004603FLIR Exx Series Thermal Imagers w/MSX and Wi-Fi
78512-1301FLIR E86 24°4743254004672FLIR Exx Series Thermal Imagers w/MSX and Wi-Fi
78513-1101FLIR E76 42°4743254004610FLIR Exx Series Thermal Imagers w/MSX and Wi-Fi
78513-1301FLIR E86 42 DEG4743254004689FLIR Exx Series Thermal Imagers w/MSX and Wi-Fi
78514-1101FLIR E76 24° + 14°4743254004627FLIR Exx Series Thermal Imagers w/MSX and Wi-Fi
78514-1301FLIR E86 24° + 14°4743254004696FLIR Exx Series Thermal Imagers w/MSX and Wi-Fi
78515-1101FLIR E76 24 DEG + 42 DEG4743254004634FLIR Exx Series Thermal Imagers w/MSX and Wi-Fi
78515-1301FLIR E86 24 DEG + 42 DEG4743254004702FLIR Exx Series Thermal Imagers w/MSX and Wi-Fi
78516-1101FLIR E76 24° + 14° & 42°4743254004641FLIR Exx Series Thermal Imagers w/MSX and Wi-Fi
78516-1301FLIR E86 24° + 14° & 42°4743254004719FLIR Exx Series Thermal Imagers w/MSX and Wi-Fi
78517-1101FLIR E76 42 DEG + 14 DEG4743254004658FLIR Exx Series Thermal Imagers w/MSX and Wi-Fi
78517-1301FLIR E86 42 DEG + 14 DEG4743254004726FLIR Exx Series Thermal Imagers w/MSX and Wi-Fi
78518-1101FLIR E76 Dual FOV 14° + 24°4743254006669FLIR Exx Series Thermal Imagers w/MSX and Wi-Fi
78518-1301FLIR E86 Dual FOV 14° + 24°4743254006676FLIR Exx Series Thermal Imagers w/MSX and Wi-Fi
78519-1101FLIR E76 80°FLIR Exx Series Thermal Imagers w/MSX and Wi-Fi
78519-1301FLIR E86 80°FLIR Exx Series Thermal Imagers w/MSX and Wi-Fi
84502-0301FLIR E52 24°4743254006089FLIR Exx Series Thermal Imagers w/MSX and Wi-Fi
84512-1201FLIR E54 24°4743254004733FLIR Exx Series Thermal Imagers w/MSX and Wi-Fi
90201-0101FLIR E96 14°4743254004528FLIR Exx Series Thermal Imagers w/MSX and Wi-Fi
90202-0101FLIR E96 24°4743254004535FLIR Exx Series Thermal Imagers w/MSX and Wi-Fi
90203-0101FLIR E96 42 DEG4743254004542FLIR Exx Series Thermal Imagers w/MSX and Wi-Fi
90204-0101FLIR E96 24 DEG + 14 DEG4743254004559FLIR Exx Series Thermal Imagers w/MSX and Wi-Fi
90205-0101FLIR E96 24 DEG + 42 DEG4743254004566FLIR Exx Series Thermal Imagers w/MSX and Wi-Fi
90206-0101FLIR E96 24 DEG + 14 DEG & 42 DEG4743254004573FLIR Exx Series Thermal Imagers w/MSX and Wi-Fi
90207-0101FLIR E96 42 DEG + 14 DEG4743254004580FLIR Exx Series Thermal Imagers w/MSX and Wi-Fi
90208-0101FLIR E96 Dual FOV 14° + 24°4743254006683FLIR Exx Series Thermal Imagers w/MSX and Wi-Fi
90209-0101FLIR E96 80°FLIR Exx Series Thermal Imagers w/MSX and Wi-Fi
DM286INDUSTRIAL IMAGING MULTIMETER WITH IGM0793950382868FLIR Imaging Digital Multimeters
19250-100IR Window 2 Inch4743254000728FLIR InfraRed Windows
19250-100IR Window 2 Inch4743254000728FLIR InfraRed Windows
19250-100IR Window 2 Inch4743254000728FLIR InfraRed Windows
19250-200IR Window Stainless 2 in.4743254001510FLIR InfraRed Windows
19250-200IR Window Stainless 2 in.4743254001510FLIR InfraRed Windows
19250-200IR Window Stainless 2 in.4743254001510FLIR InfraRed Windows
19251-100IR Window 3 Inch4743254000735FLIR InfraRed Windows
19251-100IR Window 3 Inch4743254000735FLIR InfraRed Windows
19251-100IR Window 3 Inch4743254000735FLIR InfraRed Windows
19251-200IR Window Stainless 3 in.4743254001527FLIR InfraRed Windows
19251-200IR Window Stainless 3 in.4743254001527FLIR InfraRed Windows
19251-200IR Window Stainless 3 in.4743254001527FLIR InfraRed Windows
19252-100IR Window 4 Inch4743254000742FLIR InfraRed Windows
19252-100IR Window 4 Inch4743254000742FLIR InfraRed Windows
19252-100IR Window 4 Inch4743254000742FLIR InfraRed Windows
19252-200IR Window Stainless 4 in.4743254001534FLIR InfraRed Windows
19252-200IR Window Stainless 4 in.4743254001534FLIR InfraRed Windows
19252-200IR Window Stainless 4 in.4743254001534FLIR InfraRed Windows
IRW-12PCIR Inspection Window, Polymer,12in, Alum0793950464205FLIR InfraRed Windows
IRW-12PCIR Inspection Window, Polymer,12in, Alum0793950464205FLIR InfraRed Windows
IRW-12PCIR Inspection Window, Polymer,12in, Alum0793950464205FLIR InfraRed Windows
IRW-12PSIR Inspection Window, Polymer, 12in, SS0793950465202FLIR InfraRed Windows
IRW-12PSIR Inspection Window, Polymer, 12in, SS0793950465202FLIR InfraRed Windows
IRW-12PSIR Inspection Window, Polymer, 12in, SS0793950465202FLIR InfraRed Windows
IRW-24PCIR Inspection Window, Polymer,24in, Alum0793950464304FLIR InfraRed Windows
IRW-24PCIR Inspection Window, Polymer,24in, Alum0793950464304FLIR InfraRed Windows
IRW-24PCIR Inspection Window, Polymer,24in, Alum0793950464304FLIR InfraRed Windows
IRW-24PSIR Inspection Window, Polymer, 24in, SS0793950465301FLIR InfraRed Windows
IRW-24PSIR Inspection Window, Polymer, 24in, SS0793950465301FLIR InfraRed Windows
IRW-24PSIR Inspection Window, Polymer, 24in, SS0793950465301FLIR InfraRed Windows
IRW-6PCIR Inspection Window, Polymer, 6in, Alum0793950464106FLIR InfraRed Windows
IRW-6PCIR Inspection Window, Polymer, 6in, Alum0793950464106FLIR InfraRed Windows
IRW-6PCIR Inspection Window, Polymer, 6in, Alum0793950464106FLIR InfraRed Windows
IM75-2Insulation & DMM Combo with METERLiNKFLIR Insulation Testers
MR160IMAGING MOISTURE METER0793950371602FLIR Moisture Meters and Kits
MR160-KIT5MR160 PRO KIT0793950371619FLIR Moisture Meters and Kits
MR176IMAGING MOISTURE METER W TEMP AND RH0793950371763FLIR Moisture Meters and Kits
MR176-KIT5MR176 PRO KIT0793950371718FLIR Moisture Meters and Kits
MR265Moisture Meter with MSX IR Camera0793950322659FLIR Moisture Meters and Kits
MR277Moisture Meter with IGM and MSX0793950374771FLIR Moisture Meters and Kits
MR40MOISTURE METER PEN0793950370414FLIR Moisture Meters and Kits
MR55Pin Moisture Meter with Bluetooth0793950370568FLIR Moisture Meters and Kits
MR59Ball Probe Moisture Meter with Bluetooth0793950370599FLIR Moisture Meters and Kits
MR60MOISTURE METER PRO0793950370605FLIR Moisture Meters and Kits
MR77MOISTURE METER W/ BUILT-IN IR TEMP0793950370773FLIR Moisture Meters and Kits
11001-0101FLIR ONE EdgeFLIR ONE Series
11002-0201FLIR ONE Edge Pro4743254006072FLIR ONE Series
435-0006-03FLIR ONE PRO iOS4743254005815FLIR ONE Series
435-0007-03FLIR ONE PRO ANDROID USB-C4743254005822FLIR ONE Series
T912182FLIR Si124 (2022)7332558029664FLIR Si1xx Series Ultrasound Imagers
T912183FLIR Si124-PD (2022)7332558029671FLIR Si1xx Series Ultrasound Imagers
T912184FLIR Si124-LD (2022)7332558029688FLIR Si1xx Series Ultrasound Imagers
T912263FLIR Si124-LD PLUS (2022)7332558031483FLIR Si1xx Series Ultrasound Imagers
T912340FLIR Si2-Pro7332558033036FLIR Si2 Series Ultrasound Imagers
T912305Si2-PD7332558032619FLIR Si2 Series Ultrasound Imagers
T912339Si2-LD7332558033029FLIR Si2 Series Ultrasound Imagers
TG54-220:1 Spot IR ThermometerFLIR Spot Infrared Thermometers
TG56-230:1 Spot IR Thermometer with Type KFLIR Spot Infrared Thermometers
87501-0101FLIR TG165-X Thermal Camera7332558023822FLIR Spot Thermal Cameras
87502-0202FLIR TG267 THERMAL CAMERA7332558023839FLIR Spot Thermal Cameras
87503-0303FLIR TG275 IMAGING IR THERMOMETER7332558023846FLIR Spot Thermal Cameras
87504-0404FLIR TG297 IMAGING IR THERMOMETER7332558023853FLIR Spot Thermal Cameras
T300083Thermal Studio Pro Perpetual7332558023570FLIR Stand-Alone Software
T300083Thermal Studio Pro Perpetual7332558023570FLIR Stand-Alone Software
T300083Thermal Studio Pro Perpetual7332558023570FLIR Stand-Alone Software
T300243Thermal Studio Pro 1 year7332558025727FLIR Stand-Alone Software
T300243Thermal Studio Pro 1 year7332558025727FLIR Stand-Alone Software
T300243Thermal Studio Pro 1 year7332558025727FLIR Stand-Alone Software
T300258Thermal Studio Std Perpetual7332558025734FLIR Stand-Alone Software
T300258Thermal Studio Std Perpetual7332558025734FLIR Stand-Alone Software
T300258Thermal Studio Std Perpetual7332558025734FLIR Stand-Alone Software
T300341Thermal Studio Std 1 year7332558026779FLIR Stand-Alone Software
T300341Thermal Studio Std 1 year7332558026779FLIR Stand-Alone Software
T300341Thermal Studio Std 1 year7332558026779FLIR Stand-Alone Software
T300527Thermal Studio Si-Series Plugin PerpetualFLIR Stand-Alone Software
T850125Thermal Studio Std 1Y 50 activa.FLIR Stand-Alone Software (Multi-User-Activations)
T850125Thermal Studio Std 1Y 50 activa.FLIR Stand-Alone Software (Multi-User-Activations)
T850126Thermal Studio Std 1Y 40 activa.FLIR Stand-Alone Software (Multi-User-Activations)
T850126Thermal Studio Std 1Y 40 activa.FLIR Stand-Alone Software (Multi-User-Activations)
T850127Thermal Studio Std 1Y 30 activa.FLIR Stand-Alone Software (Multi-User-Activations)
T850127Thermal Studio Std 1Y 30 activa.FLIR Stand-Alone Software (Multi-User-Activations)
T850128Thermal Studio Std 1Y 20 activa.FLIR Stand-Alone Software (Multi-User-Activations)
T850128Thermal Studio Std 1Y 20 activa.FLIR Stand-Alone Software (Multi-User-Activations)
T850131Thermal Studio Pro 1Y 50 activa.FLIR Stand-Alone Software (Multi-User-Activations)
T850131Thermal Studio Pro 1Y 50 activa.FLIR Stand-Alone Software (Multi-User-Activations)
T850132Thermal Studio Pro 1Y 40 activa.FLIR Stand-Alone Software (Multi-User-Activations)
T850132Thermal Studio Pro 1Y 40 activa.FLIR Stand-Alone Software (Multi-User-Activations)
T850133Thermal Studio Pro 1Y 30 activa.FLIR Stand-Alone Software (Multi-User-Activations)
T850133Thermal Studio Pro 1Y 30 activa.FLIR Stand-Alone Software (Multi-User-Activations)
T850134Thermal Studio Pro 1Y 20 activa.FLIR Stand-Alone Software (Multi-User-Activations)
T850134Thermal Studio Pro 1Y 20 activa.FLIR Stand-Alone Software (Multi-User-Activations)
T850135Thermal Studio Pro 1Y 15 activa.FLIR Stand-Alone Software (Multi-User-Activations)
T850135Thermal Studio Pro 1Y 15 activa.FLIR Stand-Alone Software (Multi-User-Activations)
T850136Thermal Studio Pro 1Y 10 activa.FLIR Stand-Alone Software (Multi-User-Activations)
T850136Thermal Studio Pro 1Y 10 activa.FLIR Stand-Alone Software (Multi-User-Activations)
T850143Thermal Studio Std Perpetual 50 activa.FLIR Stand-Alone Software (Multi-User-Activations)
T850143Thermal Studio Std Perpetual 50 activa.FLIR Stand-Alone Software (Multi-User-Activations)
T850144Thermal Studio Std Perpetual 40 activa.FLIR Stand-Alone Software (Multi-User-Activations)
T850144Thermal Studio Std Perpetual 40 activa.FLIR Stand-Alone Software (Multi-User-Activations)
T850145Thermal Studio Std Perpetual 30 activa.FLIR Stand-Alone Software (Multi-User-Activations)
T850145Thermal Studio Std Perpetual 30 activa.FLIR Stand-Alone Software (Multi-User-Activations)
T850146Thermal Studio Std Perpetual 20 activa.FLIR Stand-Alone Software (Multi-User-Activations)
T850146Thermal Studio Std Perpetual 20 activa.FLIR Stand-Alone Software (Multi-User-Activations)
T850149Thermal Studio Pro Perpetual 50 activa.FLIR Stand-Alone Software (Multi-User-Activations)
T850149Thermal Studio Pro Perpetual 50 activa.FLIR Stand-Alone Software (Multi-User-Activations)
T850150Thermal Studio Pro Perpetual 40 activa.FLIR Stand-Alone Software (Multi-User-Activations)
T850150Thermal Studio Pro Perpetual 40 activa.FLIR Stand-Alone Software (Multi-User-Activations)
T850151Thermal Studio Pro Perpetual 30 activa.FLIR Stand-Alone Software (Multi-User-Activations)
T850151Thermal Studio Pro Perpetual 30 activa.FLIR Stand-Alone Software (Multi-User-Activations)
T850152Thermal Studio Pro Perpetual 20 activa.FLIR Stand-Alone Software (Multi-User-Activations)
T850152Thermal Studio Pro Perpetual 20 activa.FLIR Stand-Alone Software (Multi-User-Activations)
T850153Thermal Studio Pro Perpetual 15 activa.FLIR Stand-Alone Software (Multi-User-Activations)
T850153Thermal Studio Pro Perpetual 15 activa.FLIR Stand-Alone Software (Multi-User-Activations)
T850154Thermal studio pro perpetual 10 activa.FLIR Stand-Alone Software (Multi-User-Activations)
T850154Thermal studio pro perpetual 10 activa.FLIR Stand-Alone Software (Multi-User-Activations)
T199064IR lens f=36mm (28°) with case7332558010983FLIR T10xx Series Thermal Imager Lenses
T199066IR lens f=21.2mm (45°) with case7332558010990FLIR T10xx Series Thermal Imager Lenses
T199077IR lens f=83.4mm (12°) with case7332558011010FLIR T10xx Series Thermal Imager Lenses
T199745IR Lens f=142 mm (7°)w.case supportT10xx7332558015742FLIR T10xx Series Thermal Imager Lenses
72501-0101FLIR T1020 12°7332558010273FLIR T10xx Series Thermal Imagers 1024x768 + UltraMax (2048x1536)
72501-0102FLIR T1020 28°7332558010280FLIR T10xx Series Thermal Imagers 1024x768 + UltraMax (2048x1536)
72501-0103FLIR T1020 45°7332558010297FLIR T10xx Series Thermal Imagers 1024x768 + UltraMax (2048x1536)
72501-0104FLIR T1020 28° and 12°7332558011287FLIR T10xx Series Thermal Imagers 1024x768 + UltraMax (2048x1536)
72501-0105FLIR T1020 28° and 45°7332558011294FLIR T10xx Series Thermal Imagers 1024x768 + UltraMax (2048x1536)
72501-0106FLIR T1020 28°, 12°, and 45°7332558011300FLIR T10xx Series Thermal Imagers 1024x768 + UltraMax (2048x1536)
T199588IR lens f=29mm (14°) Exx T5xx T8xx4743254003101FLIR T5xx Series Thermal Imager Lenses
T199589IR lens f=17mm (24°) Exx T5xx T8xx4743254003125FLIR T5xx Series Thermal Imager Lenses
T199590IR lens f=10mm (42°) Exx T5xx T8xx4743254003118FLIR T5xx Series Thermal Imager Lenses
T300095IR lens, f=70 mm (6°) with case7332558023037FLIR T5xx Series Thermal Imager Lenses
T300587IR lens Dual FOV, f=17/29mm (24°/14°) w7332558029725FLIR T5xx Series Thermal Imager Lenses
T300805IR Lens, f=5mm (80°) with CaseFLIR T5xx Series Thermal Imager Lenses
79301-0101FLIR T530 14°7332558014691FLIR T5xx Series Thermal Imagers
79301-0201FLIR T540 14°7332558014707FLIR T5xx Series Thermal Imagers
79302-0101FLIR T530 24°7332558012925FLIR T5xx Series Thermal Imagers
79302-0201FLIR T540 24°7332558012970FLIR T5xx Series Thermal Imagers
79303-0101FLIR T530 42°7332558012932FLIR T5xx Series Thermal Imagers
79303-0201FLIR T540 42°7332558012987FLIR T5xx Series Thermal Imagers
79304-0101FLIR T530 24° + 14°7332558012949FLIR T5xx Series Thermal Imagers
79304-0201FLIR T540 24° + 14°7332558012994FLIR T5xx Series Thermal Imagers
79305-0101FLIR T530 24° + 42°7332558012956FLIR T5xx Series Thermal Imagers
79305-0201FLIR T540 24° + 42°7332558013007FLIR T5xx Series Thermal Imagers
79306-0101FLIR T530 24° + 14° + 42°7332558012963FLIR T5xx Series Thermal Imagers
79306-0201FLIR T540 24° + 14° & 42°7332558013014FLIR T5xx Series Thermal Imagers
79307-0101FLIR T530 42° + 14°7332558025512FLIR T5xx Series Thermal Imagers
79307-0201FLIR T540 42° + 14°7332558025550FLIR T5xx Series Thermal Imagers
79308-0101FLIR T530 Dual FOV 14° + 24°7332558029633FLIR T5xx Series Thermal Imagers
79308-0201FLIR T540 Dual FOV 14° + 24°FLIR T5xx Series Thermal Imagers
79309-0101FLIR T530 80°FLIR T5xx Series Thermal Imagers
79309-0201FLIR T540 80°FLIR T5xx Series Thermal Imagers
89001-0101FLIR T560 14°7332558026304FLIR T5xx Series Thermal Imagers
89002-0101FLIR T560 24°7332558026311FLIR T5xx Series Thermal Imagers
89003-0101FLIR T560 42°7332558026359FLIR T5xx Series Thermal Imagers
89004-0101FLIR T560 24° + 14°7332558026328FLIR T5xx Series Thermal Imagers
89005-0101FLIR T560 24°+42°7332558026342FLIR T5xx Series Thermal Imagers
89006-0101FLIR T560 24° + 14° + 42°7332558026335FLIR T5xx Series Thermal Imagers
89007-0101FLIR T560 42° & 14°7332558026366FLIR T5xx Series Thermal Imagers
89009-0101FLIR T560 Dual FOV 14° + 24°7332558029619FLIR T5xx Series Thermal Imagers
89010-0101FLIR T560 80°FLIR T5xx Series Thermal Imagers
T199588IR lens f=29mm (14°) Exx T5xx T8xx4743254003101FLIR T8xx Series Thermal Imager Lenses
T199589IR lens f=17mm (24°) Exx T5xx T8xx4743254003125FLIR T8xx Series Thermal Imager Lenses
T199590IR lens f=10mm (42°) Exx T5xx T8xx4743254003118FLIR T8xx Series Thermal Imager Lenses
T300095IR lens, f=70 mm (6°) with case7332558023037FLIR T8xx Series Thermal Imager Lenses
T300587IR lens Dual FOV, f=17/29mm (24°/14°) w7332558029725FLIR T8xx Series Thermal Imager Lenses
T300805IR Lens, f=5mm (80°) with CaseFLIR T8xx Series Thermal Imager Lenses
82501-0201FLIR T840 14°7332558025598FLIR T8xx Series Thermal Imagers with View Finder
82502-0201FLIR T840 24°7332558023587FLIR T8xx Series Thermal Imagers with View Finder
82503-0201FLIR T840 42°7332558025130FLIR T8xx Series Thermal Imagers with View Finder
82504-0201FLIR T840 24°+14°7332558025505FLIR T8xx Series Thermal Imagers with View Finder
82505-0201FLIR T840 24°+42°7332558025543FLIR T8xx Series Thermal Imagers with View Finder
82506-0201FLIR T840 14° + 24° & 42°7332558023563FLIR T8xx Series Thermal Imagers with View Finder
82507-0201FLIR T840 42° +14°7332558025628FLIR T8xx Series Thermal Imagers with View Finder
82508-0201FLIR T840 24° + 6°7332558029046FLIR T8xx Series Thermal Imagers with View Finder
82509-0201FLIR T840 24° + 14° & 6°7332558029053FLIR T8xx Series Thermal Imagers with View Finder
82510-0201FLIR T840 Dual FOV 14° + 24°7332558029602FLIR T8xx Series Thermal Imagers with View Finder
82511-0201FLIR T840 80°FLIR T8xx Series Thermal Imagers with View Finder
89201-0201FLIR T865 14°7332558027318FLIR T8xx Series Thermal Imagers with View Finder
89202-0201FLIR T865 24°7332558027325FLIR T8xx Series Thermal Imagers with View Finder
89203-0201FLIR T865 42°7332558027363FLIR T8xx Series Thermal Imagers with View Finder
89204-0201FLIR T865 24° + 14°7332558027332FLIR T8xx Series Thermal Imagers with View Finder
89205-0201FLIR T865 24° + 42°7332558027356FLIR T8xx Series Thermal Imagers with View Finder
89206-0201FLIR T865 24° + 14° & 42°7332558027349FLIR T8xx Series Thermal Imagers with View Finder
89207-0201FLIR T865 42° + 14°7332558027370FLIR T8xx Series Thermal Imagers with View Finder
89212-0201FLIR T865 24° + 6°7332558029008FLIR T8xx Series Thermal Imagers with View Finder
89213-0201FLIR T865 24° + 14° & 6°7332558029015FLIR T8xx Series Thermal Imagers with View Finder
89214-0201FLIR T865 Dual FOV 14° + 24°7332558029589FLIR T8xx Series Thermal Imagers with View Finder
89215-0201FLIR T865 80°FLIR T8xx Series Thermal Imagers with View Finder
VS80A2-45-1RMVS80 2-way articulating probe 4.5mmFLIR Videoscope Cameras
VS80A4-60-2RMVS80 4-way articulating probe 6.0mm 1mFLIR Videoscope Cameras
VS80C10-25RMVS80 Plumbing Spool and probe 10mmFLIR Videoscope Cameras
VS80C2-49-1RMVS80 Dual HD Camera Probe 4.9mm 1mFLIR Videoscope Cameras
VS80C55-1RMVS80 Camera Probe 5.5mm 1m longFLIR Videoscope Cameras
VS80CHD-55-1RMVS80 HD Probe 5.5mm 1mFLIR Videoscope Cameras
VS80CIR-21VS80 IR Thermal Probe 19mm 1m longFLIR Videoscope Cameras
VSC-IR21Thermal Camera Probe with Round Forward-FLIR Videoscope Cameras
VSC-IR32IR Probe for Borescope Rectangular0793950429037FLIR Videoscope Cameras
VSC-IR33Thermal MSX Camera Probe with Round SideFLIR Videoscope Cameras
VS290-00IR Borescope Base Unit Only (No Probes)0793950429013FLIR Videoscopes and Kits
VS290-21Thermal Videoscope Kit with Round TipFLIR Videoscopes and Kits
VS290-32IR MSX Borescope Kit w Rectangular Probe0793950429020FLIR Videoscopes and Kits
VS290-33Thermal MSX Videoscope Kit w Round SideFLIR Videoscopes and Kits
VS80Videoscope Screen (No Probes)FLIR Videoscopes and Kits
VS80-IR21Videoscope Kit with IR ThermalFLIR Videoscopes and Kits
VS80-KIT-1General Purpose Videoscope KitFLIR Videoscopes and Kits
VS80-KIT-2Videoscope Kit with 2-way articulationFLIR Videoscopes and Kits
VS80-KIT-3Videoscope Kit with dual HD cameraFLIR Videoscopes and Kits
VS80-KIT-4Videoscope Kit with 4-way articulationFLIR Videoscopes and Kits
VS80-KIT-5Videoscope Kit with Plumbing SpoolFLIR Videoscopes and Kits
VS80-KIT-6Videoscope Kit with full HD 5.5mm 1mFLIR Videoscopes and Kits
VP52-2Non-Contact Voltage Detector/Flashlight0793950412527FLIR Voltage Testers
VT8-1000Voltage, Continuity and Current Tester0793950386019FLIR Voltage, Continuity & Current Testers
VT8-600Voltage Continuity and Current Tester0793950386002FLIR Voltage, Continuity & Current Testers
SV88-KITGateway with 2 Remote Vibration and Temperature Sensors - 5 kHz Tri-axial with Wi-Fi0793950438756Vibration Monitoring
SV89-KITGateway with 2 Remote Vibration and Temperature Sensors – 10 kHz Z-axis with Wi-Fi0793950438770Vibration Monitoring
SV88Battery operated with Wi-Fi Communications. IP66 rated.0793950438749Vibration Monitoring
SV89Battery operated with Wi-Fi Communications. IP66 rated.0793950438763Vibration Monitoring
GW66Gateway with 2.4/5 GHz dual-band antenna0793950438732Vibration Monitoring
TA87Universal Power Adaptor for the GW66 Wireless Gateway0793950377871Vibration Monitoring
TA88Magnetic Mount0793950377888Vibration Monitoring